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Minimally invasive, lower-cost gynecologic and fertility care

Our Platform

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Butterfly VET
(Visual Embryo Transfer)


Butterfly has developed the world’s first visual embryo transfer (VET) system that allows seamless entry into the uterus, and visualization of the intrauterine space during transfer. 

Our technology provides the ability to know precisely where the embryo transfer catheter tip is located, and has built-in automation steps that reproduce the technique of the best fertility doctors.

Butterfly’s VET System represents a revolutionary advance in IVF because the system allows each embryo transfer to be done with precision regardless of anatomical variation.  With visual guidance, steerability, and automated precision the system standardizes and improves the embryo transfer process.  Most important; our system is optimized for patient comfort  (<1 on 1-10 Wong-Baker pain scale).

Butterfly Visual Saline Infusion Sonography


Next-Gen AI Powered Diagnostic and Operative Uterine Care.

Butterfly's Visual SIS Solution offers an elegant, affordable, and simple solution for non-invasive intrauterine examination. Today the standard of care for intrauterine evaluation is ultrasound based which has lower accuracy than visual examination.


Butterfly makes direct visual evaluation of the uterus accessible for all patients. Through our extended device offerings, our visual SIS System  can be set up to perform targeted biopsy, or office based operative procedure such as removal of  polyp, cysts, septoplasty, IUD, retained products of conception, or endometrial ablation.

The onboard visualization system displays real-time video, recording+playback functions, and connects to external monitors.

Integrated with BBioConnect, our AI/ML platform, it harnesses extensive data to refine diagnostic precision.


AI-powered, connected App to improve quality
& access to care  

BBioConnect is an AI driven diagnostic for pathology identification.  The AI/ML component utilizes extensive data repositories to refine diagnostic precision, ensuring that each assessment is informed by a comprehensive analysis of numerous cases. This combination of advanced technology and intelligent data interpretation significantly enhances decision-making in reproductive health.


BBioConnect is delivered through a connected app that provides HIPAA compliant patient records management, data storage and AI decision support that minimizes clinic administration.  

Fertility Care

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Visual Embryo Transfer

For precise , repeatable embryo transfer independent of anatomical variation

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Uterine Pathology Assessment


To identify and treat uterine pathology prior to embryo transfer

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Directed or General Tissue Biopsy

Biopsy-specific pathologies in the uterus- reduce false negatives.

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Visual Uterine Diagnostic 

Easily identify intrauterine abnormalities that may be causing pain, abnormal bleeding, or infertility.

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Operative Pathology Treatment

Immediately treat abnormalities through Butterfly’s extended suite of consumables and accessories

Gynecologic Care

Our areas of focus
in women’s healthcare

Flexible: A single, highly-configurable Platform solution and Suite that enables world-class fertility or gynecologic care in office and operative settings.

Safe: Designed for optimal ease-of-use by physicians, minimal invasiveness, and maximize patient comfort.

Easy: can be set up and used in minutes with quick-turn patient visits completed in less than ½ hour.



  • Embryo Transfer

  • Uterine Assessment of Pathologies

  • Uterine Treatment of Pathologies 

Visual SIS


  • Uterine Assessment

  • Polypectomy

  • Lysis of Adhesions

  • Septoplasty

  • IUD Removal

  • Retained Products of Conception


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